Sunday 19 August 2012


Realism- Close resemblance to what is real; fidelity of representation, rendering the precise details of  the real thing or scene. (Oxford English Dictionary online)

What I understand from Plato's Allegory of Cave is people only believe in what they see and think is real. The prisoners in the cave think the shadow cast by the puppeteer is real until the moment one of the prisoners escape from the cave, then he only see the truth and got enlighten. For example, religion, believers live in their own world and believe on the things written on the bible,perceive it as reality without knowing the real truth. Believers believe that humans are created by God because its written on the bible and without any concrete evidence whereby according to Darwin's theory of evolution humans evolve from primate species because we share similar DNA. The point is things happen for a reason with logic. Darwin is like the escaped prisoner who found enlightenment and come back to the cave, tell his friends(believers) about the truth and no one believe him. People only believe things on what they are told or seen and perceive it as reality without really exploring or seeking the truth. [no offence]

These wax figures from Madame Tussauds house of wax have very high resemblance to the real person, some are so real that is kind of creepy because its difficult to differentiate which one the real and the fake one just like the picture below.This kind of condition falls into the uncanny valley, the figures looks like its alive but its not.People suspend their disbelief in order to entertain themselves, even they know it's just a wax figure they willing to spend money to check them out and get 'close' with their idol.

Here is another example that falls into uncanny valley.These are some hyperrealistic hand-drawn pictures by Paul Cadden using pencil only. The pictures below look like they have been captured on camera. I don't believe it the first time I saw the picture until I was told all of the pictures were drawn by hand.

source (images):

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